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Sunday, 13 February 2011 10:01


A Ball Lightning or BL is a rare atmospheric phenomenon still poorly explained, often associated with thunderstorms, bright, approximate spherical with a core of plasma, a typical size between 5-30 cm in diameter, usually lasts less than 50 seconds and often irregular in motion, moves mainly in a horizontal direction with speeds between 0.1 and 10 m/s.

(D.J. Turner, M. Stenhoff)


The detailed account of the video-recording and analysis of the dynamics and photometric RGB properties derived from our movie is contained in the following English article downloadable from the Cornell University Library web site ( http://arxiv.org ) or directly from the following link :

Ball Lightning Observation: an objective video-camera analysis report .

(S. Sello, P. Viviani, E. Paganini)





Ball lightning and bead lightning

{New York Plenum}, 1980

Barry, J.D.

Ball lightning as a possible manifestation of hig-temperature

superconductivity in nature

{arXiv:physics/0102012}, 2001

Birbrair, B.L.

A unified theory of ball lightning and unexplained atmosferic lights

{Jour. Xcie. Expl. 20} 2006

Coleman, P.F.

Ball lightning study

{Report: AFRL-PR-ED-TR-2002-0039}, 2003

Davis, E.W.

The nature of ball lightning

{Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys. 14}, 1969

Dmitriev, M.T.

Ball lightning and Plasma Cohesion

{arXiv:physiscs/0302063}, 2003

Gilman, J.

A model of the ball lightning

{arXiv:physiscs/0601127}, 2006

Ignatovich, V.K.

The physical nature of ball lightning

{Geophysical Research Letters vol. 17}, 1990

Muldrew, D.B.

Nature of ball lightning in Japan

{Tsugawa, Japan 12}, 1997

Ofurutun, H. et al.

Structure of ball lightning

{Ad. Geophys. 13}, 1969

Powell, J.R. and Finkelstein, D.

The nature of ball lightning

{Ed. New York Plenum}, 1971

Singer, S.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 February 2011 09:43
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